PC-Type+ sample mail-merge file for PC-Type tutorial .fspec sample.IMP .field1 name .field5 address .field7 city .field8 state .field9 zip .force salutation,"Hello" !. ButtonWare P.O. Box 96058 Bellevue, WA 98009 .LABEL sample.add .GROUP . .
., . . .EGROUP .ELABEL . ., This letter is being written using PC-Type's mail-merge capability. The import file "SAMPLE.IMP" was used to access the data in SAMPLE.WS. Only those records which contain a city name "Redmond" or a state name of "CA" will be selected. For example, your city is . and your state is .. A paragraph will be pulled into this letter which includes a "KEYIN" request if the letter will be addressed to California. .IF state=CA sample.ins All the addresses will be saved to a file SAMPLE.ADD so they can be used by the PCLABEL program using the ASCII-L option. Hope you enjoy finally getting a letter. Respectfully, A PC-Type "operator"